Teachers – Called to Change Lives

Teachers – Called to Change Lives

In 1980 Congress declared the first ever National Teacher Day on March 7. In 1985, due to the efforts of the National PTA, Teacher Appreciation Week was established and is now observed on the first full week in May each year. As we come to the end of Teacher...
Simply the Best

Simply the Best

I brag a lot about BCS. I will tell anyone who listens that we have the best students of any school in this great state. I will show them the standardized test scores and SAT and academic meet results. I will show them the rigor of our pedagogy and the accomplishments...
In This Place: Where Is God?

In This Place: Where Is God?

  It was a cool August night, and I was laying in my hammock staring up in awe at a canopy of trees and starts. My younger brother and I were on a two-week backpacking trip through New Mexico and Arizona, and tonight we’re staying in the Coconino national forest....
I Think I Can: Having a Growth Mindset

I Think I Can: Having a Growth Mindset

Over the years, I have frequently been asked by parents what they can do to help their children in school. My answer has varied over the years, but I am now convinced that one of the most important things parents can do for their children is to help them to have a...
Running: An Unexpected Blessing

Running: An Unexpected Blessing

My first experience with running as a sport came my 7th grade year.  As a basketball player, we were told track would be our offseason program.  On the first day, the coach lined us all up along the football field end zone line.  As the whistle blew, we sprinted...
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