The mission of Brentwood Christian School is to lead students to love God and to nurture them in a Christ-centered academic environment that emphasizes excellence and inspires them to develop their God-given talents for lives of Christian leadership and service.
A Letter from President Jay Burcham,
The mission of Brentwood Christian School – BCS is because of our mission. Our faculty, staff, and administrators are not simply educators. We have placed ourselves firmly in the ministry of education and then coupled that profound commitment with the mission of putting Christ as the reason for being. Christ is the reason for learning. Christ is the reason for questioning. We are BCS because of our mission.
Lead students to love God – Has our society ever needed God’s grace and love more than today? Watching the horrors of the news makes me want to hold my own children tight and not let them venture into a world that is in such need of God’s sweet grace. But, as a parent, I know my kids must enter into this world and every day I give thanks to our Lord that BCS is leading my children and my children’s friends to love God. I am blessed that my children, who have been taught to love God at home, are seeing Him praised and loved and taught every day. How precious is it that our children find prayer and mercy and forgiveness to be the expectation not the exception? Our faculty, staff, and administrators love for God teaches our kids every day how to love our God.
And to nurture them in a Christ-centered academic environment – I truly believe that the purpose of education is to teach kids to think critically, to question and explore. Martin Luther King once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically… intelligence plus character – that is the goal of a true education.” These beautiful words encapsulate a theme that if held dear to our society would change tomorrow’s promise. But think of how different the world would be if the theme was “intelligence plus Christ – that is the goal of a true education”. How mighty is our God that He trusts us to educate his children. How blessed are we that we have the opportunity. How glorified is Christ in our classrooms today? Praise God for this opportunity!
That emphasizes excellence – I love this small phrase because it completely explains the actions of a follower of Christ. We emphasize excellence. We expect. We have standards and values that should not and will not be compromised. We do all that we do to the glory of our Father so that others may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in Heaven! Our faculty, staff, and administration emphasize excellence because we are commanded that, “In all we do, in word and in deed, do it all in the name of our Father.”
And inspires them to develop their God-given talents – this is how our faculty, staff, and administrators emphasize excellence. Every child has been gifted by God with a blessed spiritual gift. While BCS is not for every child, and we must accept that it is not, those who are entrusted to us have been placed into our hands with a charge to find and develop and inspire that child’s curiosity and love of knowledge. Spiritual gifts are found in the journey of self-worth and identification and the confidence that grows with attainment of knowledge. Our faculty, staff, and administrators are the guiding and inspiring hand that is leading them on this journey.
For lives in Christian leadership and service – leadership is service. The precious example of our Savior was that He, on bended knee, washed the feet of His followers. How dichotomous is this message to our corporate and globalized messages of today? Our intercessor, God’s own son, placed Himself amongst the lowly so that He could lead through actions not just words. BCS instills in our students the need, purity, and absolute joy of serving others. Praise God that our leaders at BCS are first taught to serve!
The mission of BCS defines who our faculty, staff, and administrators are and the life we have chosen. There are many on our faculty, staff, and administration who have made BCS their life’s mission and there are those who have joined a little later. Praise God for all of us who have held our mission sacrosanct and may our Lord give us all the will, resolve, and ability to make our mission our purpose. May we always welcome our students in His name and show them His glory so that they too may develop their lives of Christ-centered service to become the leaders of tomorrow.
May our God bless Brentwood Christian School.