BCS Traffic Pattern


These procedures and best practices are put in place to make sure that all our drivers and students are safe during the busy mornings and afternoons when the most traffic to our school is seen.

Please review the following guidelines to make your morning drop off process easier and safer:


Traffic Pattern:

  • Traffic flow coming from Lamar Blvd. through the campus as it T’s into Knoll Park is one-way only.
  • Traffic flow on Knoll Park is two-way until drivers maneuver around in front of Building A.  Vehicles can turn around past Building A and exit back on Knoll Park.
  • Drivers from Lamar Blvd. follow the one-way arrows and make a loop around the parking lot (passing the front of the FLC, turning left passing the secondary building on their right, and turning left again, passing the CSA Building (Building F) on their right to proceeding toward Lamar Blvd. OR not take the parking lot loop around by building C but simply continue straight to Knoll Park.
  • Keep in mind that we have a history of a large wait line coming from and exiting Lamar Blvd. To avoid possible wait times, you should consider arriving early.
  • In the mornings, there no left turn onto Lamar Blvd. when exiting the campus.



  • Drivers who park their vehicles should back into the spot (without holding up traffic) to execute a smooth exit without disturbing traffic flow.
  • Parked drivers (parked forward), who must back up in order to exit, should wait until traffic is clear in order to prevent interruption in traffic flow.
  • Before or after school, there is NO PARKING behind Building B/C on the curved drive.


Drop Off Zones:

See Slide Show Detials >>

  • Drop Off Zones: by the FLC, east side of Building C, lower west side of Building B (although no cones are present) on Knoll Park, and the curb for Building A.
  • Drop Off Zones are only in the designated areas where there are Orange Traffic Cones.  Parents cannot drop their students off at any other location. The only exception is to drop students off in the high school parking lot and let them walk through the crosswalks.
  • If you have multiple students, consider dropping all of them off at one place rather than dropping each one at a different building. It helps with traffic flow to only stop once. The buildings are close together and most students can walk to their respective building.



  • Students, Staff, and Parents must ONLY use the crosswalks to proceed toward their buildings.
  • It is imperative that students walk through the crosswalks, rather than run.
  • Drivers should avoid stopping on a crosswalk so that it is not blocked as pedestrians proceed.



  • Safety Patrols, their student supervisors, Traffic Guards, and the Director will do their best if they see potential for a safety issue and cue students to walk, or drivers to slow down. They deserve your utmost respect.
  • Hand-held cell phone use is prohibited while navigating through the campus.
  • If you’re driving through the neighborhood, please keep in mind that this is a residential area and follow all posted speed limits.
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