High School

Welcome to Brentwood Christian High School.

Over the past 10 years at Brentwood Christian School, I’ve had the opportunity to watch students grow spiritually, academically, and socially. High school students love one another and they show their love for each other as shown in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 states,

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Are high school students at BCS perfect? No, they’re not, but watching them support and encourage each other academically, spiritually, and socially is remarkable as they develop into young adults.

BCS high school students come to school every day ready to learn. They work together to solve their problems through God’s word and Christ’s example. They’re respectful to their teachers, staff, parents, and their peers, and they do their best to do what is right.

My top priorities for the upcoming year are to lead students to love God and know God’s love for them. Students will learn of God’s love for them through a variety of ways including providing spiritually-led Bible lessons and offering uplifting and spiritually grounded weekly chapel services.

Academically, BCS high school student achievement has continually soared above the national and state averages in all academic areas. SAT and ACT scores are consistently high, and students are achieving at levels far above other private schools in the area. Students have won the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) academic competition for the past 10 out of eleven years. This competition is done as a team and the support that students give each other while competing is why they are so successful.

Our students’ social life is of the utmost importance at school. I believe that when a student’s social life is on track, they can and are able to learn everything we want to teach them. Students can participate in spiritual activities, academic competitions, fine arts, athletics, etc., during the same academic school year. Our goal is to teach and grow the whole child.

Every new year brings many changes as will this year. What will not change is our mission to lead students to love God and to nurture them in a Christ-centered academic environment that emphasizes excellence and inspires them to develop their God-given talents for lives of Christian leadership and service.

With thoughts and prayers,
Carol Johnson
High School Principal


High School Links

Math Department 

Social Studies Department 

English Department 

Science Department 

Bible Department 



Carol Johnson
High School Principal
Ph: 512-835-5983 ext.124

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