The 12th Grade Experience

Academic Pursuits and Personal Development

The mission of the senior teachers is to support the seniors in their academic pursuits and personal development. The critical thinking emphases this year are identifying fallacies and problem solving. There are several instances of higher-level thinking demonstrated across the Capstone Humanities, Economics, Government, and Quantitative Reasoning classes as students apply concepts learned in one class to critique discussions in another setting. The Engineering class has constructed box cameras and has also designed flashlights. The Christ-centered learning goals for this year include initiating spiritual practices, exhibiting campus leadership, and interacting with the culture. Seniors take the lead in planning and organizing Spiritual Emphasis Day, and several seniors (both Encore and non-Encore members) lead chapel worship through the Praise Team.  Finally, discussions on what it could mean to act as Christians in our contemporary culture have permeated the study of social controls in Capstone Humanities, the implications of policy decisions in Government, and ethical decision-making in both Economics and Quantitative Reasoning. See the full 12th Grade Curriculum Summary and Subject by Subject Mission

Mr. Witcher – This is one of the many Capstone Humanities eLearning lessons given during our time of online learning in Spring 2020.

Mrs. Graessle – This is one of the many Quantitative Reasoning eLearning lessons given during our time of online learning in Spring 2020.

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