Online Enrichment

With the extended time away from campus, we encourage you to keep your student(s) intellectually engaged. To help with this, your BCS faculty has put together recommended enrichment lessons and activities per grade level. Please use these enrichment activities to engage your children intellectually, to get them comfortable with learning online, and to help occupy and challenge their attention during their time away from campus. These activities should be a blessing to you and your children.



K4 Enrichment >>

Kindergarten Enrichment >>

1st Grade Enrichment >>

2nd Grade Enrichment >>

3rd Grade Enrichment >>

4th Grade Enrichment >>

5th Grade Enrichment >>


Middle School

6th Grade Enrichment >>

7th Grade Enrichment >>

8th Grade Enrichment >>


High School

9th Grade Enrichment >>

10th Grade Enrichment >>

11th Grade Enrichment >>

12th Grade Enrichment >>

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