The 9th Grade Experience

Critical Thinking and Goals

One of the main focuses in ninth grade is on critical thinking and Christ-centered goals. These goals help our students grown and succeed, and helps our teachers achieve the BCS Mission: To lead students to love God and to nurture them in a Christ-centered academic environment that emphasizes excellence and inspires them to develop their God-given talents and lives of Christian leadership and service. Teachers want our ninth grade students to know that they fearfully and wonderfully made. Additionally, our students should understand they have been given talents by God, and that they should use them. See the full 9th Grade Curriculum Summary and Subject by Subject Mission.

Mr. Mayfield – This is one of the many English eLearning lessons given during our time of online learning in Spring 2020.

Mrs. Graessle – This is one of the many Honors Geometry eLearning lessons given during our time of online learning in Spring 2020.

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