Our Winter Sports season has started and our teams are working hard on and off the court. 



On October 19th our Lady Bears soccer team played against Veritas and WON 4-2! Hailey Reich scored 1 goal, Julia Glenn scored 3 goals, and Caroline Griffith had 8 saves. 

On December 8th our Lady Bears soccer team played against TMI and WON 4-2! Julia Glenn scored 4 goals, Abby Munoz had 3 assists, and Caroline Griffith had 6 saves

On December 8th our Bears soccer team played against TMI. While our Bears played hard they ultimately lost to TMI.



On December 1st our Varsity Lady Bears basketball team played against St Michaels. Alyssa McClain scored 10 points, Aubrey Acheson scored 8 points, and Alicia Gardner had 9 rebounds. Our Lady Bears worked hard but ultimately lost 21-48.

On December 4th our Varsity Lady Bears basketball team played against TMI. Alyssa McLain scored 3-3 point shots, Alicia Gardner scored 11 points and had 6 rebounds. This was a nailbiter of a game and our Lady Bears lost by 2 points. The final score was 34-36.

On December 8th our Varsity Lady Bears basketball team played against St Mary’s hall. Alicia Gardner scored 10 points and had 6 rebounds, Abbie Burcham and Lyla Kate Jackson had 5 rebounds each, and Aubrey Acheson had 6 steals. The final score was 49-26.

On December 11th our Varsity Lady Bears basketball team played against Providence. Senior, Alyssa McClain was our top scorer, and Savannah Napper had 5 rebounds. Our Lady Bears fought hard on the court in another close game but ultimately lost with a final score of 52-65.

On December 11th our Varsity Bears basketball team played against St. Mary’s Hall. Coach Mathis said, “We lost a tough match at home against one of our league’s best teams. We are continuing to try and build chemistry and we have all of our players finally, but the Barons were just too tough”. Standout players for BCS: Connor Rohlack with 15 points and Keller Jackson with 8 points. The final score was 80-48.


It’s a great day to be a Brentwood Bear!
Brentwood Christian School

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