Volleyball – End of Season Report

Volleyball – End of Season Report

Rory Tyson has done an amazing job in her first year as the BCS Head Volleyball Coach! Our JV team improved so much over the season and the Lady Bears grew in both skill and confidence. Several of the schools we played had 3 teams (Freshman, JV, and Varsity) so our...
Athletic Update: November 8, 2019

Athletic Update: November 8, 2019

High School Football On October 25th the Bears played against Regents. The Bears played hard but ultimately lost 35-6. In the 4th Quarter, Sam Orick scored a two-yard touchdown run. On November 1st the Bears played against Hyde Park and won 51-20! In the 1st quarter,...
What It Means To Be A Brentwood Bear

What It Means To Be A Brentwood Bear

This year my son, Solis, went into 5th grade and was beyond excited to be able to be a BCS Bear athlete! He loves basketball and track so when there were talks of not having a 5th grade track team I discussed the benefits of cross country. This was not a sport that...
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